Saturday, January 19, 2013

PCHH Jan 20th 2012 : The Golden Globes and Twitter criticism

The Golden Globes and Twitter Criticism
Jan 20th 2012

First segment : The Golden Globes

The panelists discuss the host Ricky Gervais, who they found not as offensive and subversive as he pretends to be.  Trey mentions an outtake from Sesame Street where Gervais and Elmo get the giggles and how he prefers that side of Gervais.  Trey and Linda debate the merits of Angelina Jolie's dress, and Stephen is pleased with Matt Leblanc's win for Episodes.  They discuss the differences between the vibe of the Oscars and the Globes, and The Artist as front runner for the Oscars.

Second segment : Twitter criticism

The discussion starts with a discussion of Spin Magazine moving their music reviews to the twitter feed @spinreviews.  They discuss the work of critics and the role of reviews in a cultural context and as guides for buyers.  Glen appreciates the difficulty of writing music criticism and Stephen discusses his process.  Stephen summarizes the process of critical work as Curate, Consume, Cull, Contextualize and Care.  Linda mentions her presence on a panel at SXSW about Twitter and criticism.

Final Segment : What's making us happy this week?

Glen is sincerely happy about Marc Maron's WTF podcast with Todd Glass, where Glass does his coming out.

Trey is conflicted about the Michelle Williams interview in GQ, a fine piece of writing with a complicated subject.  He also is thrilled with the return of Cougartown and Sherlock, and the Criterion Collection Blu-ray of Belle de Jour, a great movie with Catherine Deneuve

Stephen loves the movie The Princess Bride and watched it with his kids for the first time.

Linda's favorite moment of the Golden Globes was the Tina Fey and Amy Poehler table and the photobomb by Fey.  She's also happy with the cancellation of Work It, which she not-so-lovingly reviewed here.  She also enjoys the new All-Stars season of Project Runway on Lifetime.

Notable mentions

  • The show starts with an attempt by Glen to differentiate his voice from Trey's.  It does not work.
  • Stephen Thompson confirms that he is not a writer for Sherlock, nor the namesake albino model.

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