Saturday, January 19, 2013

PCHH Jan 6th 2012 : Resolutions for an overloaded 2012

PCHH Episode #
Resolutions for an overloaded 2012
Jan 6th 2012

First segment : Pop culture resolutions for 2012

Glen :

Trey :

Stephen :
  • His resolution is to do more : listen to more music, see more tv and movies. 

Linda :
  • Her resolution is to see 100 movies from 2012 and to finish The Marriage Plot, a book she dislikes.

Second Segment : Pop Culture Overload

  • The idea for this segment comes from Andy Selsberg, author of Dear Old Love and AV Club writer.  How do you handle pop culture that demands a good amount of your time?
  • Mike Katzif mentions Prince, Ryan Adams and Robert Pollard of Guided by Voices (review here).  Stephen mentions Bradford Cox (Deer hunter and Atlas sound) and Ryan Adams.
  • Glen mentions Guy Maddin (Canadian filmmaker) and Daniel Clowes (comic book creator).
  • Linda mentions Stephen King and his new book.  She talks about recognizing the rhythms and ticks of certain authors.
  • Trey mentions the Stephen Sondheim memoirs.   He talks about getting away from certain authors for a while to discover them anew. 

Final Segment : What's making us happy this week

Stephen mentions The Amazing Race Australia, which he is watching instead of Parks and Rec.  He mentions The Descendants and the Rose Bowl lost by Wisconsin

Trey mentions watching The Umbrellas of Cherbourg with Catherine Deneuve, a gorgeous movie.  Linda is surprised that Stephen knows and loves this movie.

Glen mentions the parody twitter account @criticmichiko (account now closed).  

Linda mentions watching her screeners for the second season of Downton Abbey and enjoyed it (prim women in hats!).

Notable moments
  • Stephen mentions his passive-aggressive attempts to get Linda to say twenty-twelve instead of two-thousand-twelve.  

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